Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Our Visit to Powhatan

Both Devin and Roo had a day off from school the last week of October, so we took advantage of it by doing a really short day trip to Powhatan, Virginia to visit my grandparents.  The last time we saw them was when Roo was 2, so it had been way too long.  They hadn’t even met Bubs or Miami yet!  It only took us about three hours to get there, and the kids were great in the car, like usual.  My kids love road trips because it means that they get to watch DVDs the entire time.  In our home, we’ve implemented a new rule where the kids can only watch movies on Saturdays.  They each get to pick one show, and they look forward to it the whole week.  We do let them watch a couple of short animated scripture shows on Sunday mornings while we get ready, but that’s it.  It has seriously been so great to actually be diligent about limiting their screen time.

Anyway, back to the trip.  We got there just in time for lunch.  My sweet grandma prepared lunch for us and it was then that I discovered she loves root beer too!  I must get that from her.  I hardly ever drink soda, but if I’m offered root beer, I’m not going to turn it down.  We were able to chat and find out more about my grandparents that I never knew.  My grandma showed me some family heirlooms like her parents’ marriage certificate (I found out my great-grandma was a calendar model), my great-grandpa’s reading glasses, my grandpa's German confirmation certificate and some other fun things.  I was excited to see a beautiful quilt that my grandma had made and had the chance to play the piano for her. 

The stories were one of my favorite parts!  We heard a lot of sweet memories that we are glad we now know.  I’m glad that we’re close enough to see them more often.  Something that I found out I inherited from my grandparents is my love of ice cream.  I knew it was a Crowder thing, but I didn’t realize my grandparents were included.  Right before we left, my grandma asked the girls if they wanted dessert.  She got ice cream cones ready for everyone.  I don’t remember exactly what happened (so don’t quote me word for word), but my grandpa asked for a little more ice cream on his cone, and my grandma wondered if he wanted more, to which he replied, “Isn’t that what a ‘little more’ means?”  It was so funny and I loved to see their cute little banter. 

What wonderful grandparents I have.  I love them so much!  I’m glad that our kids now know them and that we were all able to have such a fun time.

1 comment:

  1. You look great, Cathy! And your kids are so cute! I enjoyed seeing your pictures :) -Lo
